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  • Writer's pictureEzequiel Vince

Dental Bridges: What are the uses?

According to the experts when a person has to lose a tooth or has it removed the result is a gap, and this gap can cause a number of issues with your mouth. One of the causes is that the existing teeth have the accessibility to drift and shift which can affect one's bite. It can also cause swollen jaws, as well as, cause the adjacent teeth to experience excessive wear. Floating teeth pose a higher risk of gum disease and tooth decay by allowing plaque to have more places to get trapped. Such types of conditions require an emergency dentist near me. When people have an unpleasant experience due to a missing tooth, most people desire to replace it anyhow. Your dentist may recommend a dental implant to complete your wish.

A dental bridge is another form of treatment that can be an adequate solution to dental implants that's more economic. You can get the treatment from the dental clinic near me.

What Is a Dental Bridge?

A bridge is an artificial tooth that is designed for patients who are missing a tooth or teeth that gives them a natural-looking smile. A dental bridge is connected to the adjoining teeth of the missing tooth. There are various types of dental bridges that are made of different materials. The type of dental bridge depends on the missing tooth’s location. When an individual decides on a dental bridge, the cosmetic dentist at the dental office will provide a temporary bridge, while the customized permanent bridge is created.

Types of Dental Bridges

Dental bridges are made of various materials including porcelain and metal, as well as tougher substances such as zirconia and alumina. Your dentist may discuss with you the best material used in filling the space from their missing tooth. Usually, there are three most used bridges for the patients to choose from, such as:

A Fixed Bridge:

This type of tooth bridge fills a gap by attaching an artificial tooth between two dental crowns. The crowns are used to hold the bridge and are connected to the adjacent teeth of the gap so that the artificial tooth seems and feels natural in the blank space. A fixed bridge is not removable.

A Maryland Bridge:

A Maryland bridge is usually designed for front teeth as they don't have as much pressure applied to them, unlike the back teeth which do most of the chewing. A resin-bonded bridge, the Maryland bridge has metal wings or porcelain wings attached to the artificial tooth that is bonded to the adjacent teeth on either side of the gapped area.

A Cantilever Bridge:

A Cantilever bridge is also placed bonded to an adjacent tooth, similar to the fixed bridge. A cantilever bridge is associated only with a single tooth. Mainly it is used when there aren't teeth on both sides of the blank area.

The cosmetic dentist will determine the location of the bridge to be placed, the pressure it needs to be able to sustain, and the patient's budget for determining which material and type of bridge will offer patients a smile and dental health back to them.

Dental bridge cost:

The cost of a dental bridge may range from $1,500 to $5,000 depending on the type of dental bridge, chosen for the patient. If you choose a traditional bridge it generally costs between $2,000 - $5,000 for a pontic and a crown for each abutment tooth. Article Source :

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